Monday, July 09, 2007

And Now You can Comment...

The "comments" feature was so popular on The Blog Of Chong that we've added it to Cheech and Chong News.

So start posting or we'll have you pickin those god damn bananas like that Finkelstein shit kid.


Bobby said...

This is a superb idea What made you think of it Mrpothead Whoops Mrweedmaster-P

and relayed by the weedmaster said...

Our slogan should be "Cheech and Chong Dot Com, more stoners leaving comments than youtube."

TrailerParkRuss said...

High this IS cool
Thanks for putting my Chong impression on the news mr weedmaster Take care
PEACE Trailer Park Russ

and relayed by the weedmaster said...

The impression was awesome. I couldn't resist.