Friday, June 22, 2007

Outlaw Bobby Capps Celebrates His 50th With Tommy Chong

Turning 50 with the Zigzag Man
by Bobby Capps

Last night, an enthused crowd of fans packed the Punchline Comedy Club in Sacramento, California waiting for the Pope of Dope and his little Princess Puffette. If Jason Robard Jr and the Zigzag man had a love child, Tommy Chong would be the outcome. Some of the younger crowd only knew him as Leo (his character from That 70s Show).

The Chongs performed some old, new and some political comedy, but the highlight of the night was a trip-le play of some dance routines. These Latin hustlers were demonstrating some real talents. I've got news for you magic inhalers out there, this is no joke to the Chongs. They can dance. Although Tommy was doing his ever famous comedy styles in the back of Shelby, the moves were very sexual and sensual.

When the show was over, Tommy and Shelby signed autographs and sold T-shirts. Who would have known back in 1972, when I first started listening to Cheech and Chong, that I would be celebrating my 50th birthday with the Zigzag man. I brought my cake and shared it with the crowd who cheered for me and Tommy, as I handed him the slice with the joint. I was doing some Cheech impersonations and Tommy overheard me and stopped in the middle of signing to say, "Wow, that sounds just like Cheech!" As he continued to put smiles on peoples faces, he was telling people how much they enjoy dancing with the Stoners routine. I yelled out, "Hey Tommy, at least it’s better than Celebrity Duets!" The crowd roared and Shelby and Tommy cracked up. Tommy's last words were, "Cheech might have won if he sang My Momma told me not to ....” And the crowd joined in with “nah nah nuh nah nah nuh.”

To have Tommy Chong say I sound like Cheech is the best birthday gift ever. Thanks for the good years Tommy; I love you man!

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