Sunday, March 09, 2025

Revisiting the 2004 New York City Premiere of Christmas with the Kranks

While sifting through our archives, we came across the original photos from the 2004 premiere of Christmas with the Kranks.

I didn't even know the event was taking place until the last minute so I left work, bought a disposable camera and waited outside Radio City Music Hall for the premiere to finish.

Back then, there was zero security and zero barricades so you could just walk up to people as they left.  I had never met Cheech Marin before so I was nervous.  

The doors opened and attendees started flooding out.  I scooted over to Cheech, who attended the event with William H Macy.  I asked if he was Cheech's date.  They laughed.  

Everything was happening so fast, I was only able to get photos of some of the celebs.

From our original article:

People began arriving shortly after 6PM. On hand were William H. Macy, Tim Allen, Eddie Murphy, Jake Busey, Caroline Rhea, Jamie Lee Curtis, WWF's Mankind and Dan Aykroyd, many of whom star in the film.

The Weedmaster had a chance to speak with Cheech during the long wait for his car. When asked about the reunion movie, he said that New Line is still in the process of writing the script and that the pot hair tonic concept is still the basis.

The Weedmaster also asked him about where the Basketball Jones cartoon originated (the one featured in Being There). He said it was created by a friend of Lou Adler's to promote the Basketball Jones single and that the Being There producers just decided to use it. He didn't know where to get the full version, but we assume that Warner Bros owns the rights.

BTW, the full version of Basketball Jones

It's been 21 years so we rescanned them at a higher resolution and fixed the color as best as possible.

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 1 - Radio City Music Hall

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 2 - Dan Aykroyd

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 3 - Cheech saying hello

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 4 - Cheech making a funny face

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 5 - Cheech getting into limo

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 6 - Maybe Eddie Murphy

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 7 - Bruce Springsteen East Street Band Steve Van Zandt

Christmas with the Kranks Premiere Photo 8 - Jake Busey, Gary Busey's son

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