Thursday, September 04, 2014

Lots of Photos and Video from Dancing with the Stars Cast Reveal

Today, the cast of this season's Dancing with the Stars was announced on ABC-TV's Good Morning America.  As we revealed last month, Tommy Chong is one of the contestants.

The line-up was announced at approximately 8:30AM New York in a closed GMA studio to avoid having a mob of people crashing into the glass.  Then, at 8:50AM the cast came into Times Square for a quick hello before the show sign-off.

Tommy Chong was looking dapper.

Afterwards, everyone was escorted back into the building and out the back entranceway...into the Dancing with the Stars bus.

Most of the cast came into town last night.  Tommy said he was going to visit A/K/A Tommy Chong Director, Josh Gilbert, who has been battling cancer.

Here are photos and video from us here at Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com.  In addition, we've included some video from television interviews.

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