Saturday, January 21, 2012

Radio Show Goofs on Cheech Marin

On Thursday, Cheech Marin was on the Gordon Keith radio show promoting his awful sitcom, Rob. The hosts got on Cheech's nerves. First, they didn't know that the show had debuted the previous week. Then, they said the show, Lost (which Cheech was on), should have also had Tommy Chong on it.  That really pissed Cheech off.  The true personality of Richard Marin briefly emerged.

Cheech got very silent because Cheech can't stand Chong. He's only touring with him for the money. Cheech has multiple alimonies and lawyer bills. He is going through a nasty divorce. Plus, there are allegations of spousal and child abuse.  The last thing he wanted to hear was that Chong should have been on Lost.  Cheech never liked playing second fiddle to Chong.

The last time this radio show interviewed Cheech, he hung up. I guess his publicist forgot about the experience and let Gordon Keith interview him again.


Gi Gi said...

Chong seems more cooler and he's always been funnier. Cheech is sooo ugly! He looks like he can't see out of his eyes and he is WAY OVER WEIGHT!

Gi Gi said...

Chong seems more cooler and he's always been funnier. Cheech is sooo ugly! He looks like he can't see out of his eyes and he is WAY OVER WEIGHT!