Monday, May 12, 2008

Interview with Jade East from Up In Smoke

411mania conducted a great interview with Zane Buzby, the actress that played Jade East, the sexy stoned-out redhead hitchhiker Cheech and Chong drove "all the way" in Up In Smoke.

She showed up hours late for the Up In Smoke audition in Malibu because, being from New York, she had no idea where she was going. She improv'd most of it, talking about people she knew from New York. This improv (remember her rambling to herself?) was actually used in the film.

To prepare for the role she went to The Roxy and studied how people from The Valley dressed and behaved.

She has some great stories about John Ritter, Jerry Lewis and more.

Read Here

1 comment:

Pie CatLady said...

My favorite scene from "Up in Smoke" - Jade East's description, filmed mid-rap, of an unnamed stoner gal and her boyfriend Alex getting it on while everyone else is trying to crash out. Great sound effects "like a motorboat" acted out as poor wiped-out Chong fights a cramp and the pot-van shakes mightily. The applause for Man exiting the van ("I didn't know your name was Alex...") UNFORGETTABLE! Also the bit where she seamlessly loses Man and picks up another stoned-out guy, saying "maybe we need some paper between us..." and helping him walk without noticing the change-up. HIGH-larious! She really puts the icing on the "Up in Smoke" cupcake.