Sunday, April 22, 2007

Chong Prosecutor May Be In Trouble

Mary Beth Buchanan, the Bush-appointed U.S. Attorney that prosecuted Tommy Chong, may be in trouble. The House Judiciary Committee wants to question her over what role she may have played in deciding which U.S. attorneys got fired, allegedly for partisan reasons.

Meanwhile, Nelson Cohen, US Attorney in Alaska, may soon lose his job. Buchanan used her connections and a part of the Patriot Act, which allowed interim U.S. attorney appointments to become permanent without Senate approval, to get him that job. Congress is trying to remove this provision from the Patriot Act.

Buchanan "pushed the White House agenda, prosecuting such targets as famed cinematic pothead Tommy Chong, of Cheech and Chong fame, for selling bongs over the Internet. She also went after pornographers in California."


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