Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cars World Premiere Coming to Charlotte

On May 26th, Cheech Marin, as well as the other voices from Disney's new film Cars, will attend it's world premiere at Charlotte's Lowe's Motor Speedway.

"The screening of the film represents the first multi-screen digital cinema premiere ever, with Texas Instruments and its DLP CinemaA? technology serving as Disney's event technology partner in providing the digital cinema projectors. A series of four giant custom-built outdoor movie screens (115-feet wide and 50-feet tall) will be constructed at Lowe's Motor Speedway at Turn #2 of the track. Each screen will have three DLP Cinema 2K digital projectors dedicated to it. A state-of-the-art sound system is also being created and installed for the event."

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Cheech To Speak At Niagara College

Cheech Marin will be giving a lecture on Chicano art at Niagara County Community College, Friday February, 24th.

Location: Niagara Community College.
Friday February, 24th. 7PM.
Call 716-614-6255 for details.

Read Here and Here

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bongs vs Waterpipes

Apparently in Phoenix, you have to refer to a bong as a water pipe. If not, you or the head shop selling the bong will be busted.

The Bird called Tommy Chong to discuss their recent head shop visit, as well as Bongs vs Waterpipes.

"Keep living your life," he says. "But protect yourself. Never carry pot where you can get arrested, like in a car. Do your smoking at home. And as far as bongs go, be aware that the government will use any illegal activities against you whenever it feels like it."

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

More Marijuana Dates Being Added

Keep checking the Current Events (see right).

Katrina Benefit Recap

Sorry, we're a little late on this story. On February 1st, Cheech Marin hosted a hurricane Katrina benefit at the Cerritos Center in Cerritos, California.

Acccording to the Styx web site, "a smoky version of "Born in East LA" with Cheech Marin, featuring David Foster on piano, Joe Vitale on drums and Timothy Drury on B3 which turned into a kick-ass jam that had the whole joint smiling. Cheech was one heck of a front man too. "

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Monday, February 13, 2006

New Contraband Coming Soon

For those of you who have been asking, we'll be getting more Stash Jars in a few months.

We are also re-releasing the headlights in new Homegrown packaging which now includes the names Cheech and Chong, instead of Pedro and Man. They'll be out late summer.

We only have a few of the series one headlights left. Get them before they're gone.


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Chong Has A Chinaman's Chance

Tommy Chong, Coolio, Reggie Lee and others are starring in Aki Aleong's latest film, Chinaman's Chance. Tommy plays the deputy. This is about as ironic as Cheech portraying a cop in Nash Bridges.

According to IMDB, the film is about a "Chinese immigrant who comes to America to work on the railroad, like his brother, to chase the American dream."

The film sounds like it may be a hit. The cast consists of seasoned actors. Reggie, for instance, was in Pirates of the Carribean.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Cheech To Present At VES Awards

On February 15th, Cheech Marin will be one of the presenters at the 4th Annual Visual Effects Society Awards taking place at the Hollywood Palladium.

Other presenters include Edie McLurge, who starred with Cheech in Next Movie, and Craig T. Nelson.

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Cheech Autograph Contest

At Thursday's Toy Fair appearance, Cheech Marin signed more Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal CD booklets for us to give away.

(4) people will win either a Sleeping Beauty or Let's Make A New Dope Deal CD booklet signed by Cheech Marin.

Anyone that makes a purchase from this site from Feb 10, 2006 thru May 1, 2006 will automatically be entered. Each separate order is one entry. Winners will be chosen at random at 11:59PM EST on May 1, 2006.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cheech Unveils Toys from Pixar's Cars Movie at Mattel New York Toy Fair Event

This Thursday, Cheech Marin, the voice of Ramone in the upcoming Disney/Pixar film, Cars, will be unveiling Mattel's new line of toys.
We will be on-hand, providing full coverage.

Update: At 11:30 AM EST, Mattel General Manager, Tim Kilpin, brought out Cheech Marin to unveil their line of toys from the Disney/Pixar film, Cars. The coolest item is a Toss and Talk Plush which when squeezed or thrown, speaks phrases from the film. We plan on carrying that on this site when it's released in May.

Click here for photos and video. 

Cheech was cordial, as always, and provided us with a brief interview. Here are some highlights:

  • He says the reunion with Tommy Chong is not going to happen.
  • We asked who the band "Yesca" is on the Up In Smoke soundtrack. Cheech says "yesca" is another name for pot and he's not sure why they put that as the name of the band on a few of the tracks.
  • Cheech will be directing a Spanish version of the classic film Dracula, named Senor Dracula. He says the script is finished and everyone likes it. They will start filming soon.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cheech Attends James Taylor Tribute

Last night, Cheech Marin and a host of other celebrities attended a pre-Grammy tribute to musician James Taylor.
According to Fox News...

Comedians Cheech Marin and Kevin Nealon each did some jokes, although Marin’s assertion that "JT hasn’t had a hit single in 71 years" maybe was not what Taylor wanted to hear in his honor.

Read Here and Read Here

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tommy Rejoins Marijuana-logues

In a shocking turn of events, it appears that Tommy Chong has rejoined the Marijuana-logues. On Thursday, April 6th, the show will be at the Bergen Performing Arts Center in Englewood, NJ.

Tommy briefly appeared in the off-broadway show last year. The show was to then tour the country. However, due to problems with Tommy's probation, he was forced to cancel the tour (too many people were smoking pot in the crowd). A lawsuit ensued. The Marijuana-logues accused Tommy of breaking their agreement. Tommy accused them of not compensating him.

He's back!

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