Animation Cel
Auction Round #2
• RARE Next Movie Cartoon Animation Cel - Super rare. This is one of the coolest things we've ever seen. It's an animation cell with matching cartoonist sketch.
• Still Smokin Movie Poster - Original insert poster 14" by 36" for the 1983 film. Mint condition!
• (How I Spent My Summer Vacation) A Day At The Beach With Pedro & Man - Rare skit never released on LP, only on this 45 single. It's hysterical.• Playboy's Tommy Chong Roast VHS - Out-of-print Playboy video which stars Jerry Seinfeld, Richard Belzer and more.
• Big Bambu LP with HUGE Rolling Paper - Album is in great condition and comes with huge rolling paper.
• Bloat On 45 - Ltd Release single from the Let's Make a New Dope Deal LP. Few have seen, nor heard this song. Sleeve features caricature of C & C as fat black men.
• Cheech and Chong 5 FOOT PROMO STANDEE - Special movie studio promotional cardboard cutout featuring the cast of the movie. It is new and never been assembled. Nothing beats having a lifesize Cheech in your home.

Auction Round #3
• Rude Awakening Presskit - Awesome photos and promotional material only sent to certain members of the press.
• Cassette Two-Pack - We're offering this special two-pack of cassettes that consists of their self-titled first album and Get Out Of My Room.• Next Movie Book - Book which accompanied release of movie by the same name. Features awesome photos.
• Up in Smoke Lunchbox - Limited edition lunchbox. Limited to 6,000.
• Forest Fire PSA - Hysterical forest fire public service announcement features Cheech explaining who Smokey the Bear is.
• Wedding Album LP - Album looks like an actual wedding album. C and C are siamese twins in the photos. Their wife is wearing a paper bag.• Corsican Bros VHS - OUT OF PRINT, uncensored version of the movie.• Sleeping Beauty CD - Need we say more? We receive 200+ emails every week looking for this pill-shaped out of print album. The CD format is ridiculously hard-to-find.
• Let's Make a New Dope Deal LP - One of their "lost albums." Few even know it exists. Contains StarWars spoof, "Queer Wars," and more.
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