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Monday, December 27, 1999
Song Lyrics
Tuesday, December 14, 1999
Last Auction Before Y2K
• Sleeping Beauty LP - the last one we have!
• Big Bambu LP - with huge rolling paper. Also, the last one we have.
• Earache my Eye single - which includes extra comedy dialogue.
• Black Lassie single - hysterical, rarely seen artwork on sleeve.
• Corsican Brothers VHS - out-of-print uncensored version of video
NOTE: You can still buy Santa Claus and His Old Lady. It's available on the Anthology CD.
Saturday, December 04, 1999
Special Holiday Auction
Don't fret! If you're not the high bidder, you can still get the song. Santa Claus and His Old Lady is also available on the Anthology.
Wednesday, December 01, 1999
All Cheech & Chong Albums 30% Off
Friday, November 19, 1999
"Free Downloads" Section Updated
Tuesday, November 09, 1999
Cheech & Chong Dot Com Auctions
** Not an ebay member? Click here to sign up. It's free.
Friday, November 05, 1999
Tommy Chong to Appear on Dharma & Greg

Be sure not to miss this week's episode of Dharma & Greg. In this episode, Dharma & Greg get married and resident of the local park (Tommy Chong) pushes Greg into a decision about his career. Dharma & Greg airs Tuesday 9/8c on ABC.
Thursday, September 23, 1999
E! Entertainment Television Mysteries & Scandals
Unfortunately, we do not know if the E! Special will comment on this 1998 interview with Tommy Chong during which Tommy and his wife verbally attacked Richard Marin in what sounds like a jealous rage.
Cheech and Chong Dot Com is not yet aware of the Air Date, but will let you know when we have it. If you know, please contact us at news.
Tuesday, September 14, 1999
For Our European Customers...PAL Formatted Videos
Monday, August 16, 1999
Found: Big Green Van

Click to See Larger Image
The infamous Big Green Van from Up in Smoke has finally been found. Melinda A. Cuslidge, an official restorer of the infamous Green Van, contacted us last week to give us the scoop. Currently, this masterpiece is in the possession of her father and his friend.
Where has it been?.....
A bit player from the 1978 movie (the child in the beginning) acquired the van after production finished. In turn, he sold it to a friend, whose son blew the engine and nearly totalled the van after hitting a pack of deer :-(
Dave Cuslidge, Melinda's father, and Jesus Torres decided to purchase the van from Dave's friend for $700 and is now in the process of restoring it. On a related note, Melinda was responsible for, among other things, painting "Sweet & Low Upholstery, 1817 Calle de los Sofas" on the side.
You, too, can see the Big Green Van in person. Shortly, it's owners will be displaying it at auto shows around California.
This is the batmobile for cool people!
Click here to purchase the Big Green Van theme song
Click here to purchase Up in Smoke, the movie
Sunday, August 01, 1999
Nash Bridges Production To Begin On Monday

On Monday, the cast of Nash Bridges will return from summer hiatas to begin shooting the fifth season of this CBS series. Cheech and Chong Dot Com would like to wish Richard "Cheech" Marin good luck with this season, as well as a Happy belated Birthday (July 13th).
C & C Dot Com To Be Apple's Featured Web Site

That's right! Apple Computer will be featuring on their web site sometime between now and September 1st, we are told. The piece will also contain a very exclusive interview. Email interview any deep probing Cheech and Chong questions you'd like answered during this interview. ;-)
If you've signed up for our mailing list (see above) or have ever sent email to, you will be notified when this event takes place. Keep an eye on this url...
Sunday, May 02, 1999
Complete Cheech & Chong Film Catalog Now Available
Wednesday, April 28, 1999
Release Date Set For Tommy's New Album
Release date: Monday May 10th.
Tuesday, April 20, 1999
Message Board Now Available
Friday, March 05, 1999
Release of New Tommy Chong Album Eminent
It will feature bits from his comedy act, as well as plenty of toking. C&C Dot Com will post the release date as soon as we receive confirmation from the Chong camp.